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MPs, campaigners, survivors and UK NCA urge action to tackle growth in livestreamed child abuse
This International Women’s Day, we cannot ignore the exploitation risks facing Ukrainian women
Two years since war broke out in Ukraine, Ukrainian women are still facing risks of exploitation.
Standing with women to stop violence: Lilian’s story
Lilian* shares in her own words her experience of violence and why she loves IJM’s approach to protecting women.
I'm Betzy, this is my story.
Betzy from Guatemala shares in her own words how she was abused as a child and why she’s now speaking out against violence.
26-year-old man escapes abduction and trafficking in Cambodia
Not Swift Enough: The battle to remove Taylor Swift deepfakes and live-streamed child sexual abuse
Late last month, sexually explicit deepfake images of superstar Taylor Swift exploded across the internet. IJM's John Tanagho explains why industry actions to address child sexual exploitation material, made with or without the use of AI, pale in comparison.
IJM’s work to stop forced scamming featured on ITV News
ITV News highlighted IJM’s vital work in a special investigation on forced scamming and as the top headline story for ITV News at 10.
“I want to tackle human trafficking.” - Ridwan's story
Meet Ridwan*, a passionate advocate for an end to forced scamming. Ridwan has shared his story across the Philippines and Indonesia, including at the Philippine Senate and the Indonesia Anti Trafficking Gathering. Now he wants to share his story with you: “Hopefully, no more Indonesian citizens will be trapped like me.”
UK Foreign Office announces world's first list of sanctions for forced scamming
IJM commends the UK government's decision to sanction individuals and companies for forced scamming but IJM's Jacob Sims explains why this can only be the beginning.
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